script to create a version of the site for the visually impaired



script to include a version for the visually impaired on the site


install plugin

    npm i special-version-module --save

Add a button that will launch the plug-in for example:

<a href="#" class="js-version">special version on</a>

import module

import SpecialVersion from 'special-version-module';

then init the version with button class param

const version = new SpecialVersion('.js-version',settings,lng,customCss)

param settings, lng and customCss is not required

add custom settings:

For add custom settings edit default settings and set it by second param of constructor

default settings:

            position: 1,
            groupName: 'Font',
            params: {
              cacheName: 'fontsize',
                  buttonTittle: 'A',
                  buttonAltText: 'standart',
                  buttonClass: 'special-version__button_square,size-small',
                  value: 1,
                  styleSheet: '1.css'
                  buttonTittle: 'A',
                  buttonAltText: 'medium',
                  buttonClass: 'special-version__button_square,size-middle',
                  value: 1.5,
                  styleSheet: '2.css'
                  buttonTittle: 'A',
                  buttonAltText: 'big',
                  buttonClass: 'special-version__button_square,size-big',
                  value: 2,
                  styleSheet: '3.css'
            position: 1,
            groupName: '',
            params: {
              cacheName: 'fontFamily',
                  buttonTittle: 'Arial',
                  buttonAltText: 'Arial',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: 'Arial',
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'Times New Roman',
                  buttonAltText: 'Times New Roman',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: 'Times New Roman',
                  styleSheet: ''
              fontList: [
            position: 1,
            groupName: 'Color Theme',
            params: {
              cacheName: 'colorScheme',
                  buttonTittle: 'C',
                  buttonAltText: 'color scheme black and white',
                  buttonClass: 'special-version__button_square,theme-bw',
                  value: 'bw',
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'C',
                  buttonAltText: 'color scheme white and black',
                  buttonClass: 'special-version__button_square,theme-wb',
                  value: 'wb',
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'C',
                  buttonAltText: 'color scheme cyan and blue',
                  buttonClass: 'special-version__button_square,theme-bb',
                  value: 'bb',
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'C',
                  buttonAltText: 'color scheme brown and light',
                  buttonClass: 'special-version__button_square,theme-bwl',
                  value: 'bwl',
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'C',
                  buttonAltText: 'color scheme brown and green',
                  buttonClass: 'special-version__button_square,theme-bg',
                  value: 'bg',
                  styleSheet: ''
              scheme: {
                bw: ['#ffffff','#000000'],
                wb: ['#000000','#ffffff'],
                bb: ['#9dd1ff','#195183'],
                bwl: ['#f7f3d6','#4d4b43'],
                bg: ['#3b2716','#a9e44d']
            position: 2,
            groupName: 'Interval',
            params: {
              cacheName: 'fontInterval',
                  buttonTittle: 'standart',
                  buttonAltText: 'font Interval standart',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: 1,
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'medium',
                  buttonAltText: 'font Interval medium',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: 1.5,
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'big',
                  buttonAltText: 'font Interval big',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: 2,
                  styleSheet: ''
            position: 2,
            groupName: 'Kerning',
            params: {
              cacheName: 'fontKerning',
                  buttonTittle: 'standart',
                  buttonAltText: 'font Kerning standart',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: '',
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'medium',
                  buttonAltText: 'font Kerning medium',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: 1.5,
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'big',
                  buttonAltText: 'font Kerning big',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: 2,
                  styleSheet: ''
            position: 2,
            groupName: 'Images',
            params: {
              cacheName: 'svImages',
                  buttonTittle: 'show',
                  buttonAltText: 'Images show',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: '',
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'hide',
                  buttonAltText: 'Images hide',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: 2,
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: 'black and white',
                  buttonAltText: 'Images black and white',
                  buttonClass: '',
                  value: 3,
                  styleSheet: ''
            position: 3,
            groupName: 'reading',
            params: {
              cacheName: 'speech',
              api:'<yourApiKey>&hl={{lang}}&c=MP3&src={{text}}', // {{lang}} this literal will be replaced by lang code for current tts {{text}} this literal will be replaced by text to read
              lngCodes:[// lang codes for curent tts service
                  buttonTittle: '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="isolation:isolate" viewBox="0 0 54 46" width="54" height="46"><path d=" M 46.414 22 L 53.707 14.707 C 54.098 14.316 54.098 13.684 53.707 13.293 C 53.316 12.902 52.684 12.902 52.293 13.293 L 45 20.586 L 37.707 13.293 C 37.316 12.902 36.684 12.902 36.293 13.293 C 35.902 13.684 35.902 14.316 36.293 14.707 L 43.586 22 L 36.293 29.293 C 35.902 29.684 35.902 30.316 36.293 30.707 C 36.488 30.902 36.744 31 37 31 C 37.256 31 37.512 30.902 37.707 30.707 L 45 23.414 L 52.293 30.707 C 52.488 30.902 52.744 31 53 31 C 53.256 31 53.512 30.902 53.707 30.707 C 54.098 30.316 54.098 29.684 53.707 29.293 L 46.414 22 L 46.414 22 Z  M 13 31 C 13 31.553 12.553 32 12 32 C 11.447 32 11 31.553 11 31 L 11 27 C 11 26.447 11.447 26 12 26 C 12.553 26 13 26.447 13 27 L 13 31 L 13 31 L 13 31 Z  M 13 18 C 13 18.553 12.553 19 12 19 C 11.447 19 11 18.553 11 18 L 11 14 C 11 13.447 11.447 13 12 13 C 12.553 13 13 13.447 13 14 L 13 18 L 13 18 L 13 18 Z  M 26.894 0 C 26.343 0 25.797 0.153 25.315 0.444 C 25.269 0.471 25.225 0.503 25.185 0.537 L 11.634 12 L 1 12 C 0.447 12 0 12.447 0 13 L 0 32 C 0 32.553 0.447 33 1 33 L 11.61 33 L 25.153 45.436 C 25.203 45.482 25.257 45.522 25.314 45.556 C 25.797 45.847 26.343 46 26.894 46 C 28.606 46 30 44.584 30 42.844 L 30 3.156 C 30 1.416 28.606 0 26.894 0 L 26.894 0 Z " fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(0,0,0)"/></svg>',
                  buttonAltText: 'reading off',
                  buttonClass: 'special-version__button_square',
                  value: 'off',
                  styleSheet: ''
                  buttonTittle: '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="isolation:isolate" viewBox="0 0 60 47.41" width="60" height="47.41"><path d=" M 13 32.063 C 13 32.616 12.553 33.063 12 33.063 C 11.447 33.063 11 32.616 11 32.063 L 11 28.063 C 11 27.51 11.447 27.063 12 27.063 C 12.553 27.063 13 27.51 13 28.063 L 13 32.063 L 13 32.063 L 13 32.063 L 13 32.063 L 13 32.063 Z  M 13 19.063 C 13 19.616 12.553 20.063 12 20.063 C 11.447 20.063 11 19.616 11 19.063 L 11 15.063 C 11 14.51 11.447 14.063 12 14.063 C 12.553 14.063 13 14.51 13 15.063 L 13 19.063 L 13 19.063 L 13 19.063 L 13 19.063 L 13 19.063 Z  M 52.026 23.563 C 52.026 15.216 46.71 7.803 38.797 5.116 C 38.275 4.939 37.706 5.219 37.528 5.742 C 37.351 6.264 37.631 6.833 38.154 7.011 C 45.255 9.422 50.026 16.074 50.026 23.564 C 50.026 31.047 45.264 37.7 38.177 40.118 C 37.655 40.296 37.375 40.864 37.554 41.388 C 37.696 41.803 38.084 42.065 38.5 42.065 C 38.607 42.065 38.716 42.048 38.823 42.011 C 46.721 39.316 52.026 31.903 52.026 23.563 L 52.026 23.563 L 52.026 23.563 Z  M 44.453 0.079 C 43.945 -0.134 43.358 0.1 43.141 0.609 C 42.926 1.118 43.163 1.705 43.672 1.921 C 52.376 5.614 58 14.11 58 23.563 C 58 33.34 52.106 41.943 42.985 45.477 C 42.47 45.677 42.214 46.256 42.414 46.771 C 42.567 47.167 42.946 47.41 43.347 47.41 C 43.467 47.41 43.589 47.389 43.708 47.343 C 53.605 43.506 60 34.172 60 23.563 C 60 13.305 53.897 4.087 44.453 0.079 L 44.453 0.079 Z  M 26.894 1.063 C 26.343 1.063 25.797 1.216 25.315 1.507 C 25.269 1.534 25.225 1.566 25.185 1.6 L 11.634 13.063 L 1 13.063 C 0.447 13.063 0 13.51 0 14.063 L 0 33.063 C 0 33.329 0.105 33.583 0.293 33.77 C 0.481 33.957 0.734 34.063 1 34.063 L 11.61 34.058 L 25.153 46.498 C 25.203 46.544 25.257 46.584 25.314 46.618 C 25.796 46.909 26.342 47.062 26.893 47.062 C 28.606 47.062 29.999 45.646 29.999 43.906 L 29.999 4.219 C 30 2.479 28.606 1.063 26.894 1.063 L 26.894 1.063 L 26.894 1.063 L 26.894 1.063 Z  M 43.026 23.563 C 43.026 17.591 39.017 12.261 33.277 10.601 C 32.747 10.45 32.193 10.753 32.039 11.285 C 31.886 11.815 32.191 12.37 32.723 12.523 C 37.612 13.936 41.027 18.476 41.027 23.563 C 41.027 28.65 37.612 33.19 32.723 34.603 C 32.192 34.756 31.886 35.311 32.039 35.841 C 32.166 36.279 32.565 36.564 33 36.564 C 33.092 36.564 33.185 36.551 33.277 36.525 C 39.018 34.864 43.026 29.534 43.026 23.563 Z " fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(0,0,0)"/></svg>',
                  buttonAltText: 'reading on',
                  buttonClass: 'special-version__button_square',
                  value: 'on',
                  styleSheet: ''

default lng settings

                 specialVersionOn: 'special version on',
                 standardVersion: 'special version off',
                 closeAdditional: 'close advanced settings',
                 additionalSettings: 'advanced settings',
                 initText:'special version init'

to change styles add cssString to last Attribute of constructor "customCss"

try how it works on blocks below

Text block

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Images variants


<img src="">


<div style="width:730px; height:410px; background:url('') center; background-size: cover;"></div>